Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Send SMS Using Globe Tattoo Broadband in PHP

enter image description here
Sending an SMS using GSM Modem with Gnokii and PHP is probably a worth to share to anyone who need this. This guide needs the following:
  • Globe tattoo broadband stick
  • Globe sim card (with load of course)
  • Gnokii (in my case i use Gnokii for Windows ver 0.6.31, you may download it here)
  • Xampp (32 bit, download link here)
Before we start, just make sure that you had installed the Globe broadband installer. You also need to download and extract the Gnokii files on your PC (no need to install)
In my case, i extracted the Gnokii files on my htdocs folder "c:\xampp\htdocs\gnokii"
Gnokii is very easy to configure as long as you know the COM ports and baud rate of your GSM modem.
Plugged your device first and you will find the Globe Tattoo modem COM port under device manager. See the screenshot below
enter image description here
And click the "Modem" tab to find the COM port and "serial_baudrate"
Take note of these COM port and serial_baudrate because Gnokii need it for configuration.
enter image description here
As you can see on the screenshot above, my device's COM port is "COM12" you will put it on "gnokii.ini" file
Here is my complete Gnokii configuration

port = \\.\COM12 
model = AT 
connection = serial 
use_locking = no 
serial_baudrate = 460800 
sm_retry = 1 
smsc_timeout = 10 

allow_breakage = 0 

bindir = /usr/local/sbin/ 
TELEPHONE = 12345678 

debug = on 
rlpdebug = off 
xdebug = off 

Note: If your modem device's COM port is 1-9 change the format of port to the following:
e.g if port is 1 use
if port is 2 use
and so on..
Now we're ready, we can now test our SMS Sender.
Copy the gnokii configuration above and just change the port with your own device port. save it as "gnokii.ini" and put it on "Windows" directory.
Run your Xampp and create a php file let's name it as "send.php" Put the send.php on your "gnokii" folder on htdocs.
See the screenshot below (I'm using Windows 8 btw)enter image description here
On your "send.php", put this code

$text = 'Hi, This is a test message.';
$number = '09161234567';

exec('echo '.$text.' | gnokii --sendsms '.$number); ?>

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